Article overview / How to Optimize Your Staff Planning in the Hospitality Industry

How to Optimize Your Staff Planning in the Hospitality Industry

Analyse Historical Data

Start by analysing your historical data. Look at your busiest days, hours, and seasons. What patterns do you see? This information is invaluable. By understanding when your peak moments are, you can adjust your staff deployment accordingly. Make sure you have enough staff during peak hours but avoid overstaffing during quieter times.

Implement Flexible Schedules

Flexible schedules are essential in hospitality. This means being flexible not only in the hours your staff works but also in the tasks they perform. By using a flexible scheduling system, you can deploy staff members more efficiently based on current demand.

For example, in a café, it can be very busy during the morning rush and again in the afternoon. You can offer split shifts where employees work from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM and then again from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. This ensures that you have enough staff during peak hours and reduces the need for staff during quieter hours.

In a restaurant, you can implement a rotation system where staff alternate during lunch and dinner peaks. Some staff members may work only during lunch from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and others only during dinner from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

Since weekends and holidays are often busier in hospitality, you can offer employees the option to work mainly during these times. This can be ideal for students, flexi-jobbers, or part-time employees who have other commitments during the week.

Adjust your staff deployment based on the seasons. In certain seasons, such as spring and summer or around the holidays, you can deploy more staff due to the expected busyness.

Cross-Training of Staff

Cross-training is another effective strategy. Train your staff members to perform multiple roles. For example, a waiter can also be trained to help in the kitchen. This makes your team more versatile and able to respond quickly to changing conditions.

Another example is that staff working in the kitchen can also be trained in inventory management and placing orders. This helps in the efficient management of ingredients and supplies.

Use Technology for Scheduling Software

Consider using specialised scheduling software. These systems can help predict busyness and optimize schedules. They often also offer tools for time tracking and staff management, which can help streamline your business processes.

Involve Your Staff in the Process

Involving your staff in the planning processes can also offer benefits. They know the work floor best and can provide valuable input on how efficiency can be improved.

Evaluate and Adjust

Staff planning is never 'finished'. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your planning. See what works and what doesn't, and don't be afraid to make adjustments.


Optimised staff planning in hospitality can yield significant savings while simultaneously improving customer service and productivity. By using historical data, flexible schedules, cross-training, technology, and the input of your team, you can conduct a dynamic and efficient personnel policy that directly contributes to your business results.

Curious how Unipage can further optimize your hospitality business? Contact one of our experts at this link.


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