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Unipage reservaties

Do you lose much time by answering the phone to take reservations? Look no further. Our online reservation system will offer your customers a better and online booking experience.

Powerful & battle-tested

Unipage reservations are available 24/7, this makes it very powerful. Your employees can focus them on the 'real' work because they won't get distracted by phone calls anymore. Unipage will maintain the infrastructure, so you'll have no more IT worries. Unipage already processed millions of reservations in the past few months.


Using a digital calendar, your customer can choose an available time slot. Your customer can leave their contact information and receives a confirmation by mail. Unipage processes personal data conforming to the GDPR.

In less than 2 minutes your customer can create a reservation and you'll receive a great timeline overview of occupancy.

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